mutus liber “spectacle”
“mutus liber – spectacle” is a series of book art, and was planned as the small installation on the table after solo show “spectacle” in 2004.
mutus liber “Spectacle 02”
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(closed) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(open), board, cotton, acrylic, pen, paper, ribbon
mutus liber “Spectacle 03”
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(closed) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(open), board, cotton, acrylic, pen, paper, ribbon
mutus liber “Spectacle 04”
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(closed) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(open), board, cotton, acrylic, pen, paper, ribbon
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(閉じた状態) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(開いた状態), 板、木綿、 アクリル絵具、ペン、紙、リボン
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(閉じた状態) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(開いた状態), 板、木綿、 アクリル絵具、ペン、紙、リボン
2004, 15.0X15.0X2.0cm(閉じた状態) /15.0×15.0x15.0cm(開いた状態), 板、木綿、 アクリル絵具、ペン、紙、リボン