solo show ’03 Chamber Triptych | 新世代への視点 2003
Chamber Triptych Mariko Sugano Exhibition
Focusing on a new generation in Tokyo 2003 “THE TEN ELEMENTS”
28 Jul – 9 Aug 2003 Gallery Kobayashi, GINZA
Chamber Triptych 菅野まり子展
〜「新世代への視点 2003」THE TEN ELEMENTS
2003.7.28 – 8.9 GINZA コバヤシ画廊企画室
“Chamber Triptych”
– an attempt at “interior painting” by multiple views
– a view of closed chambers, which is sketched by rough drawing
– matiere like thick stone wall
– abstract frame of window
I expanded a chamber view to three images, and arranged them centering around the corner of gallery.
“Chamber Triptych <チェンバー・トリプティク>
Chamber Triptych Room 1 “The Sick Rose”
Chamber Triptych 第一室「病める薔薇」
“Chamber Triptych Room 01 – The Sick Rose”
2003, 72.7×60.6cm/65.2×45.4cm/19.0×19.0cm, acrylic, ganpi-paper, pigment on canvas
“チェンバー・トリプティク 第1室−病める薔薇”
2003, 72.7×60.6cm/65.2×45.4cm/19.0×19.0cm, アクリル、雁皮紙、顔料、キャンヴァス
Room 01 – The Sick Rose” 第一室「病める薔薇」
Some kind of bees, which has neither honeycomb nor beehive, deposit eggs inside stems of roses.
Female bees with yellow abdomens which seem to burst at eggs fly about from early summer to mid summer.
Then, many larvae break out from stems, as if a body of delicate girl was bit off and broken.
Chamber Triptych Room 2 ” Two Children plays “
Chamber Triptych 第二室「<いたわりつつ殺す手>を演じる二人の子ども」
“Chamber Triptych Room 02” “Two children playing <the hand that killed in a considerate fashion>”
2003, 162.0×130.3cm/130.3×162.0cm/65.2×65.2cm, acrylic, ganpi-paper, pigment on canvas
“チェンバー・トリプティク 第2室−<いたわりつつ殺す手>を演じる二人の子ども”
2003, 162.0×130.3cm/130.3×162.0cm/65.2×65.2cm, アクリル、雁皮紙、顔料、キャンヴァス
Room 02″ “Two children playing <the hand that killed in a considerate fashion>”
One has been a bad spectator of life if one has not also seen the hand that in a considerate fashion – kills.
(“Beyond Good and Evil” Nr.69 Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche )
フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ『善悪の彼岸』69 (竹山道雄訳)
Man hat schlecht dem Leben zugeschaut, wenn man nicht auch die Hand gesehn hat, die auf eine schonende Weise – toedtet.
(“Jenseits von Gut und Bo”se” Nr.69 Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche )
Chamber Triptych Room 3 “A Room has Memories”
Chamber Triptych 第三室「記憶を持つ部屋」
“Chamber Triptych Room 03 – The Room Has Memories”
2003, 162.0×227.3cm/130.3×162.0cm/60.6×60.6cm, acrylic, ganpi-paper, pigment on canvas”
チェンバー・トリプティク 第3室−記憶を持つ部屋”
2003, 162.0×227.3cm/130.3×162.0cm/60.6×60.6cm, アクリル、雁皮紙、顔料、キャンヴァス
Room 3 “A Room has Memories” 第三室「記憶を持つ部屋」
A plastered window, a wall which is opened to the darkness. A life, or its memory, is still continuing in different spheres within the chamber. The old objects (furnishing goods), temperature of creature or odor of human are coming flying in this memorial room.
Chamber Triptych Room 4 “A Bunch of Grapes”
Chamber Triptych 第四室「葡萄一房」
“Chamber Triptych Room 04 – A Bunch of Grapes”
2003, 130.3×97.0cm/130.3×80.3cm/60.6×60.6cm, acrylic, ganpi-paper, pigment on canvas
“チェンバー・トリプティク 第4室−葡萄一房”
2003, 130.3×97.0cm/130.3×80.3cm/60.6×60.6cm, アクリル、雁皮紙、顔料、キャンヴァス
Room 4 “A Bunch of Grapes” 第四室「葡萄一房」
I remember a story which was heard before, as I painted a bunch of grapes on the floor. Once upon a time, within a tribe living near desert, when one got old and became unable to make one’s life, he decided to take the road to desert having a bunch of grapes. It means he gave himself a present of last days to eating grapes completely, and went towards death from starvation.