solo show ’04 Gallery Kobayashi | 個展’04 「スペクタクル」 コバヤシ画廊

Mariko Sugano Exhibition
16 – 21 Aug, 2004
Gallery Kobayashi, Ginza, TOKYO
菅野まり子展 スペクタクル
2004年8月16日 – 21日
In the last exhibition “chamber triptych”(2003), I showed a series of triptych, each of which was made of three images that was expanded from a scene of closed chambers. However the start point of motif in the next show(2004) is a common place under the sky, and the theme is “spectacle”. The spectacle which they are waiting here would be poetic drama which was exquisitely choreographed, or violence which was done in public under the name of God or justice. I try to show some action on the stage, waiting people, and grotesqueness in this situation, with simple colours and lines.
I had a vision of an imaginary open space for sacrifice or sacred dance or fighting or public execution, and of crowds of people keeping the ring.
Ecstasy and punishment coexisted on the stage, and there were many eyes in the surrounding arena. They scrambled to get the best view, with feeling guilty for peeping the forbidden.
…..The story is, that Leontius, the son of Aglaion, coming up one day from the Piraeus, under the north wall on the outside, observed some dead bodies lying on the ground at the place of execution. He felt a desire to see them, and also a dread and abhorrence of them; for a time he struggled and covered his eyes, but at length the desire got the better of him; and forcing them open, he ran up to the dead bodies, saying, Look, ye wretches, take your fill of the fair sight.
—–Plato “The Republic”, book4
I felt that people’s enthusiasm itself actually didn’t care whether that situation would be fiction or reality , good cause or crime.
…well, what did the place show to me ? what did people want to see?
前回の”chamber triptych”は、密室の光景を三つに展開した3枚一組の作品であったが、今回発表する作品は、屋外の広場がモチーフの起点となっている。テーマの”spectacle”は「見せ物」という意味であるが、この広場で人々が待ち望むスペクタクルとは、豊かに演出された詩劇の舞台でもありうるし、神や正義の名の下に、公衆の面前で執り行われる暴力のことでもありうる。舞台上で為される行為と、それを待ち望む人々について、それらの異様さについて、単純な色彩と線描で表す。
“SPECTACLE – ye my eyes,wretches, take your fill of the fair sight”
2004, 194.0×130.3cm x 2, acrylic, pigment on canvas
“SPECTACLE – peeping into inferno is easier to undersatnd how is it”
2004, 162.0×130.3cm x 2, acrylic, pigment on canvas
夜の子どもたち | Children of Nyx